The Website of Sages Senior Golfers of South Africa

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President: Andre Blom, 082 902 0632
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Vice President: Tom Buckle, 082 888 4840
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Secretary: Elfie Alston, 082 775 0827
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Treasurer: Eddie Mantle, 082 465 4031
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Dear fellow SAGES,

At the beginning of my tenure as President my vision for the NMC and SAGES was mentioned.
The vision is depicted in an acronym “NMCC“ which stands for
National Management Committee who is Committed and creates Collaboration”.


The NMC members Tom Buckle (Vice- President), Eddie Mantle (Treasurer) and Elfie Alston (Secretary) demonstrated their commitment and creating collaboration to SAGES in full. Their respective functionalities were managed with total dedication and professionalism.
For that I salute you
The NMC‘s guidance and many hours of dedication resulted in the branches performing and supporting SAGES Mission in various areas:


All the branches worked very hard to successfully host their CANSA tournaments. Additional fund-raising activities also helped SAGES to contribute to other areas in CANSA. Tom Buckle was instrumental in creating an open communication channel with CANSA. Tom will report on the detail under a separate item.


The financial report is available under a separate item. The National Treasurer, Eddie Mantle, handles SAGES’s finances in an extremely competent manner. His commitment and dedication also resulted in the branches treasurers performing well.


The two-way communication between NMC and the Branches showed improvement. Aspects such as Newsletters, Minutes of branch meetings, updating of membership data and ad hoc communication in general made it possible for the NMC to “feel” the heartbeat of SAGES.
The inputs of Elfie Alston cannot be underestimated in making all these functionalities possible.


The branches that hosted the regional tournaments 2023 exceeded all expectations. Congratulations to the SAGES teams from Northern Free State, Natal Central, Jimmy Gowans and Southern Cape who all managed it to be successful.
Hosting the National Tournament is no mean feat. Congratulations to North West team who successfully hosted the tournament at Val de Grace and Parys.


A warm word of thanks to PSG Hyde Park under the guidance of Ian Schmidt, Charl Jooste(Snr) and Charl Jooste(Jnr) who committed themselves to be our main sponsor. We urge our members to support our sponsors – without your contribution it would not have been possible to host tournaments at an affordable price. Your contribution is highly appreciated.


I would like to thank everyone who committed themselves to make SAGES a special organisation the past year and may we go from strength to strength.


Andre Blom




Aan die begin van my ampstermyn as president is my visie vir die NMC en SAGES genoem. Die visie word uitgebeeld in 'n akroniem "NMCC" wat staan vir "National Management Committee who is Committed and create Collaboration".

Die NMC-lede Tom Buckle (vise-president), Eddie Mantle (tesourier) en Elfie Alston (sekretaris) het hul toewyding getoon en ten volle samewerking in SAGES geskep. Hul onderskeie funksies is met totale toewyding en professionaliteit bestuur.

Daarvoor salueer ek u as lede van die NBK.

Die NMC se leiding en baie ure se toewyding het daartoe gelei dat die takke SAGES se Missie op verskeie gebiede uitgevoer en ondersteun het:


Al die takke het baie hard gewerk om hul KANSA toernooie suksesvol aan te bied. Bykomende fondsinsamelingsaktiwiteite het SAGES ook gehelp om by te dra tot ander gebiede in KANSA. Tom Buckle was instrumenteel in die skep van 'n oop kommunikasiekanaal met KANSA.Tom sal verslag doen oor die detail onder 'n aparte item.


Die finansiële verslag is beskikbaar onder 'n aparte item. Die nasionale tesourier, Eddie Mantle, hanteer SAGES se finansies op 'n uiters bekwame wyse. Sy toewyding het ook tot gevolg gehad dat die takke se tesouriers ook kon presteer.


Die twee rigtingkommunikasie tussen NMC en die takke het verbetering getoon. Aspekte soos nuusbriewe, notules van takvergaderings, opdatering van lidmaatskapdata en ad hoc-kommunikasie in die algemeen het dit vir die NMC moontlik gemaak om die hartklop van SAGES te "voel".
Die insette van Elfie Alston kan nie onderskat word om al hierdie funksies moontlik te maak nie.


Die takke wat die Streekstoernooie in 2023 aangebied het, het alle verwagtinge oortref. Baie geluk aan die SAGES-spanne van Noord-Vrystaat, Natal-Sentraal, Jimmy Gowans en Suid-Kaap wat almal daarin geslaag het om suksesvol te wees.

Die aanbied van die Nasionale Toernooi is geen geringe prestasie nie. Baie geluk aan Noord-Wes se span wat die toernooi by Val de Grace en Parys baie suksesvol aangebied het.


'n Hartlike woord van dank aan PSG Hyde Park onder die bekwame leiding van Ian Schmidt, Charl Jooste (Snr) en Charl Jooste (Jnr) wat hulself daartoe verbind het om ons hoofborg te wees. Ons doen ń vriendelike beroep op ons lede om hulle te ondersteun want sonder hulle finansiële steun sou dit onmoontlik gewees het om toernooie teen bekostigbare pryse vir ons lede aan te bied. U bydrae word hoog op prys gestel.

Ten Slotte

Ek wil graag almal bedank wat hulself daartoe verbind het om SAGES die afgelope jaar 'n spesiale organisasie te maak, en mag ons van krag tot krag gaan.


Yours in Sages, SAGES Groete
Andre Blom
National President/Nasionale President

NMC newsletter



For further SAGES information or queries please contact the National Secretary
Elfie Alston, Cell phone 082 775 0827, e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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