The Website of Sages Senior Golfers of South Africa

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President: Andre Blom, 082 902 0632
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Vice President: Tom Buckle, 082 888 4840
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Secretary: Elfie Alston, 082 775 0827
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Treasurer: Eddie Mantle, 082 465 4031
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We're currently updating our website to make it even better for you!

During this time, you may experience some minor glitches or errors.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your patience.

We will soon have a refreshed look and improved features.

Thank you for your understanding!"


NMC tag




Dear fellow SAGES,

The changing of the season is experienced by all of our members throughout the country.

The excitement of summer and the opportunity to enjoy golf is even more prevalent.


The new NMC management team was appointed at the AGM held in Parys during the 45th National tournament.

The newly elected members are: -:

  • President – Andre Blom
  • Vice-President - Tom Buckle,
  • Secretary - Elfie Alston
  • Treasurer - Eddie Mantle

It is an honour and privilege, to guide and assist branches in making SAGES a society where camaraderie and friendship are essential. My/our wish is that branch management, together with the members of SAGES should try and create an environment of COLLABORATION and COMMITMENT within their branches at all times, especially during interbranch activities.

Constructive and open communication is essential to achieve our objectives. Our sincere thanks to each one who is instrumental to create the said objectives.

May you be blessed with good health while you are enjoying the wonderful sport, we are privileged to participate in.



Goeie dag mede SAGES

Die verandering van die seisoen word deur al ons lede regoor die land ervaar. Die opwinding van die somer en die geleentheid om gholf te geniet kan net as ‘n voorreg beskou word. Die nuwe NBK - bestuurspan is tydens die AJV, wat tydens die 45ste Nasionale toernooi in Parys gehou is, aangewys.

Die nuutverkose lede is: -

  • President – Andre Blom
  • Vise-President Tome Buckle
  • Sekretaris Elfie Alston
  • Tesourier Eddie Mantle.

Dit is `n eer en voorreg om instrumenteel te wees, en takke by te staan om SAGES`n gemeenskap te maak waar kameraadskap en vriendskap noodsaaklik is. My/ons wens is dat takbestuur, saam met die lede van SAGES, te alle tye, en veral tydens inter-takaktiwiteite, `n gees van SAMEWERKING en VERBINTENIS probeer vestig.

Baie dankie aan een en elkeen wie daarna streef om die genoemde oogmerke na testreef. Konstruktiewe en oop kommunikasie is noodsaaklik om ons doelwitte te bereik. Mag elkeen geseën word met goeie gesondheid, ten einde die wonderlike sport te geniet, wat ons aan deel neem.


Yours in Sages, SAGES Groete
Andre Blom
National President/Nasionale President

NMC newsletter



For further SAGES information or queries please contact the National Secretary
Elfie Alston, Cell phone 082 775 0827, e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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