The Website of Sages Senior Golfers of South Africa

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President: Andre Blom, 082 902 0632
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Vice President: Tom Buckle, 082 888 4840
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Secretary: Elfie Alston, 082 775 0827
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Treasurer: Eddie Mantle, 082 465 4031
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During this time, you may experience some minor glitches or errors.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your patience.

We will soon have a refreshed look and improved features.

Thank you for your understanding!"



SAGESPresidentMartinJune 2020

Dear fellow SAGES


I am humble, yet grateful and very proud to serve SAGES in this capacity. A position previously filled by so many capable and inspiring leaders which makes it very difficult to follow in their footsteps. In them, I found mentors who helped to shape me for the task ahead.



Thank you to my predecessor, Alec Dixon, who immediately made me feel at home at the NMC and for his exceptional guidance. It is therefore a privilege to announce that Honorary Life Membership is awarded to Alec with immediate effect. Thank you also to the resigning treasurer, Trevor Woollett, for the exceptional and competent way he held office.

Congratulations to our new Vice President, Andre Blom, from Highveld and to our new Treasurer, Eddie Mantle, from West Rand. SAGES is privileged to welcome two such capable members to its leadership.

We are all aware of Covid-19 and the difficult circumstances in which the new NMC takes over. However, I am convinced that with the leadership of the NMC, the continued support of the branches, their management and all the members, SAGES will also overcome this temporary setback and come back stronger.

The times ahead are going to be challenging. Golf clubs and golf in general are facing changes and SAGES won’t escape it but will have to face it. The way in which branches still manage their business during lockdown, confirms that we will stand the test of time.

The camaraderie amongst our members is one of the foundations on which our organization is built and I am excited about the times ahead.



Beste SAGES vriende

Ek is nederig, dog dankbaar en baie trots om SAGES in hierdie hoedanigheid te kan dien. ‘n Posisie wat voorheen deur soveel bekwame en inspirerende leiers gevul was en wat dit baie moeilik gaan maak om in hul spore te volg. In hulle het ek mentors gevind wat my gehelp slyp het vir die taak wat voorlê.

Baie dankie aan my voorganger, Alec Dixon, wat my dadelik laat tuisvoel het op die NBK en vir sy besonderse leiding. Dit is dan vir my ook ‘n voorreg om aan te kondig dat Ere Lewenslange Lidmaatskap aan Alec toegeken word met onmiddellike effek. Baie dankie ook aan die uittredende tesourier, Trevor Woollett, vir die besondere en bekwame wyse waarop hy die amp beklee het.

Baie geluk en welkom aan ons nuwe Visie President, Andre Blom van Highveld en ons nuwe tesourier, Eddie Mantle van Wes Rand. SAGES is besonder bevoorreg om twee sulke bekwame lede tot sy leierskorps te verwelkom.

Ons is almal bewus van Covid-19 en die moeilike omstandighede waarin die nuwe NBK oorneem. Ek is egter oortuig daarvan dat met die leiding van die NBK, die volgehoue ondersteuning van die takke, hul besture en al die lede, sal SAGES ook hierdie tydelike terugslag te bowe kom en sterker terugkom.

Die tye wat voorlê gaan uitdagend wees. Gholfklubs en gholf in die algemeen staar veranderinge in die gesig en SAGES gaan dit nie vryspring nie. Die wyse waarop takbesture gedurende hierdie grendeltyd steeds hul takke bestuur bevestig dat ons die toets van die tyd sal deurstaan.

Die kameraderie onder ons lede is een van die fondamente waarop ons organisasie gebou is en dit maak my opgewonde vir die termyn wat voor lê.


Yours in Sages, SAGES Groete
Martin van Eeden
National President/Nasionale President
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For further SAGES information or queries please contact the National Secretary
Elfie Alston, Cell phone 082 775 0827, e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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