The Website of Sages Senior Golfers of South Africa

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President: Andre Blom, 082 902 0632
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Vice President: Tom Buckle, 082 888 4840
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Secretary: Elfie Alston, 082 775 0827
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Treasurer: Eddie Mantle, 082 465 4031
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SAGESPresidentAlecDixsonDecember / Desember 2019

Dear SAGES friends

We have come to the end of another eventful year and many people all over the country are looking forward to well-deserved rest and time with family and friends. Most SAGES branches will be holding their year-end games and functions while some branches are still finalising fund-raising activities for CANSA. In general, I am sure that although the year may have been busy, most members enjoyed the golf and friendship for which SAGES is so well-known.



Looking back on the larger events, we must congratulate the braches that hosted these events during 2019. Starting with the National Tournament at Stellenbosch and Devonvale, participants were treated to golf on first rate courses while enjoying magnificent scenery. Well done to Boland who were excellent hosts.

Then there was Bethlehem – three of the four members of the NMC were unable to attend the Central regional tournament because of medical issues. However from the feedback from other participants, it is clear that Eastern Free State held nothing back in their organisation to provide participants with a memorable event.

Natal Central stepped in at short notice to present the Natal regional tournament which was held at Durban Country Club – one of the top rated courses in the country. Despite the limited time and resources, this branch organised one of the best run events in years. Participants went away with memories of great golf (some not so great) and excellent peripheral activities.

The third Regional tournament was held at the Nelspruit Golf Club and was excellently hosted by Lowveld branch. The golf was played in good conditions and there were no excuses for low scores. As was experienced during the year each tournament had its own unique qualities. Nelspruit was no exception and produced some fine golf.

The final Regional tournament was held at the Port Elizabeth golf club in some very taxing conditions. Port Elizabeth lived up to the name of the Windy City – on the first day the wind was horrendous with gusts of up to 105 km/hour and players struggling to stand still while putting. The next day was much improved and enjoyed by most. What stood out at this tournament was the visible involvement of the Eastern Province committee members in the organisation of activities and the concern for the well-being of the participants.
Well done Eastern Province.

There are a number of other matches/games throughout the year that do not attract as much attention, but which provide great opportunities for branch interaction and are well supported by the participating branches. The value of these events cannot be underestimated and are the source of good and lasting friendships.

There is, however, one issue of concern that needs serious attention and that is the way scores are submitted/checked and results determined. Over the years there have been some embarrassing situations at all levels and we don’t seem able to rectify this. It involves not only the tournament organisers, but players and markers also have a pivotal role in ensuring scores are correctly recorded.

We need to make a concerted effort to eliminate errors during the entire process and to ensure that players receive the recognition they deserve, without embarrassment.We need to make a concerted effort to eliminate errors during the entire process and to ensure that players receive the recognition they deserve, without embarrassment.

Newsletters cannot always just gloss over difficult topics. Over the past few months, there have been rumours circulating, creating uncertainty over the future of the SANLAM sponsorship and continued participation in the fund-raising for CANSA. In order to explain the current situation the various relationships need to be placed in proper perspective,

  • ● SANLAM and SAGES – This is an exclusive partnership between the two parties and comprises a sponsorship of R90 000 being paid to SAGES annually to offset the costs of hosting certain tournaments;
  • ● SANLAM and CANSA – This partnership only exists between the named parties and involves the organisation and sponsorship of a number of fund-raising golfing events country-wide by SANLAM, the proceeds of which later accrue to CANSA;
  • ● SAGES and CANSA – Some years ago, it was decided that SAGES needed to consolidate and coordinate efforts to raise funds for a worthy cause. The afore-mentioned initiative probably influenced SAGES to utilise golfing events/SAGES games to raise funds and that the beneficiaries would be CANSA. The fact that SANLAM at some stage decided to also sponsor prizes for these games is purely incidental.

It must be emphasised that these three partnerships, despite the similarities and perceived connections, exist independently from each other and any developments within one should be dealt with separately from the others.

SANLAM and SAGES – Unfortunately SANLAM as an organisation have decided to cease its involvement in the golfing arena and focus its sponsorship strategies on a more representative activity, e.g. athletics. This means that the R90 000 received in 2019 was the last that SAGES will received from SANLAM. However, our strategy has always been to maintain a reserve as a back-up to this eventuality and there are sufficient funds to continue with our usual programme until a replacement sponsor(s) has been identified.
SANLAM and CANSA – Although SANLAM have withdrawn from golf, it does not mean that they have discontinued their support for CANSA, However, this is a matter between them and does not affect SAGES.
SAGES and CANSA – There is technically no change in this partnership and we will continue to support this cause as we have in the past. The only difference is the absence of prizes from SANLAM. However, many branches have voiced concern over the value of these contributions and have sourced their own sponsors for their events. Furthermore, because the contract between SAGES and SANLAM terminates, the relevant restrictions contained in the contract no longer apply and more opportunities arise for creative development of other sources.

An immediate action as a result of the above-mentioned developments is the withdrawal of all references to SANLAM on our flags, banners, stationery, etc. I have often mentioned that SAGES cannot be static and ignore changes taking place in our country. We do not exist in a vacuum and the decision of a corporate that may or not have been influenced by external factors, now has a direct impact on our organisation. However, we should see this an opportunity to review our own approach to factors, such as funding, membership, branch structures and interaction, etc. I have often said that while the traditions of SAGES cannot be ignored, as opportunities now exist to review some of these and members should be bold enough to explore any option no matter how radical it may appear. Remember that the sustainability of SAGES is dependent on the timeous recognition of opportunities and threats within the senior golfer’s environment and the effective development of actions to exploit the opportunities and to neutralise the threats.

It is also the time of year to contemplate on the events of 2019, whether personal or on a wider spectrum and to focus on the positive, learn from the negative and consider approaching 2020 with humility and enthusiasm. On behalf of the NMC, I wish you and your loved ones, family and friends a most blessed Christmas season and all the very best for 2020.

If you think 2019 was great – wait until you see what 2020 has to offer!!

Yours in Sages,
Alec Dixon

    Liewe SAGES Vriende

Ons het aan die einde van nog ʼn gebeurtenisvolle jaar en baie mense oor die hele land sien uit na welverdiende rus en tyd met familie en vriende. Die meeste SAGES takke gaan hul jaareind spel en funksies hou terwyl sommige takke nog hul fondsinsameling aktiwiteite vir CANSA finaliseer. Oor die algemeen, is ek oortuig dat hoewel die jaar dalk bedrywig was, meeste lede die gholf en vriendskap waarvoor SAGES so bekend is, geniet het.

As ons terugkyk na die groter toernooie, dan moet ons die takke gelukwens wat sodanige toernooie gedurende 2019 aangebied het. Eerstens was die Nasinale toernooi aangebied op Stellensoch en Devonvale en deelnemers is bederf met gholf op top gehalte bane terwyl hulle pragtige natuurskoon geniet het. Baie geluk aan Boland wat uitstekende gashere was.

Dan was daar Bethlehem – drie van die vier lede van die NBK was nie teenwoordig by die Sentrale streekstoernooi vanweë mediese redes. Gemeet aan die terugvoer van ander deelnemers, is dit egter duidelik dat Oos Vrystaat niks teruggehou het met hul organisering ten einde deelnemers van ʼn onvergeetlike toernooi te voorsien.

Sentraal Natal het op kort kennis ingetree om die Natal streekstoernooi aan te bied wat op Durban Country Club (een van die top bane in die land) gehou is. Ten spyte van die beperkte tyd en hulpbronne tot hulle beskikking, het die tak een van die beste toernooie in jare georganiseer. Deelnemers is weg met herinneringe van fantastiese gholf (party nie so fantasties nie) en uitstekende bykomende aktiwiteite.

Die derde streekstoernooi is op Nelspruit gholfbaan gehou en is uitstekend deur Laeveld aangebied. Die gholf is in baie goeie toestande gespeel en daar was geen verskoning vir lae tellings nie. Soos deur die jaar ervaar het elke toernooi eie unieke eienskappe gehad. Nelspruit was nie die uitsondering nie en baie goeie gholf is gespeel.

Die laaste streekstoernooi is op Port Elizabeth se baan gespeel in veeleisende toestande. Die benaming van Port Elizabeth as die “windy city” is op die eerste dag bewys met winde wat tot op 105 km/uur gewaai het en spelers het gesukkel om stil te staan terwyl hulle set. Die volgende dag was baie beter en meeste spelers het dit geniet. Wat uitgestaan het by hierdie toernooi was die betrokkenheid van die takkomitee lede met die organisering van aktiwiteite asook die besorgdheid oor die deelnemers.
Wel gedaan Oostelike Provinsie.

Daar is vele ander wedstryde deur die jaar wat nie so baie aandag trek nie, maar wat aansienlike geleenthede skep vir tak interaksie en wat goed ondersteun word deur delnemende takke. Die waarde van hierdie toernooie kan nie onderskat word nie en is die bron van goeie en standhoudende vrienskappe.

Daar is wel rede vir kommer wat ernstige aandag nodig het en dit is die manier waarop tellings ingedien/nagesien word en hoe reultate bepaal word. Oor die jare was daar heelwat ongemaklike situasies op alle vlakke en dit blyk dat ons dit nie kan regkry nie. Dit behels nie alleen die toernooi organiseerdes nie, maar spelers en merkers het ʼn deurslagewende rol om te verseker dat tellings reg aangeteken word. Ons moet ʼn daadwerklike poging aanwend om foute te elimineer en te verseker dat spelers die erkenning kry wat hulle toekom, sonder verleentheid.

Nuusbriewe kan nie altyd ʼn mooilike onderwerp vermy nie. Oor die afgelope paar maande, doen gerugte die rondte wat onsekerheid skep oor die toekoms van die SANLAM borgskap asook hulle voortgesette vondsinsameling projek vir CANSA. Ten einde die hudige situasie te verduidelik, is dit nodig om die onderskeie verwantskappe in perspektief te plaas,

● SANLAM en SAGES – Hierdie is ʼn eksklusiewe vennotskap tussen die twee partye wat behels die betaling van die bedrag van R90 000 jaarliks aan SAGES om die aanbieding van sekere toernooie te ondersteun;
● SANLAM en CANSA – Hierdie vennotskap bestaan slegs uit genoemde partye en behels die organisering en borgskap deur SANLAM van ʼn aantal vondsinsamelings-gholf geleenthede landwyd waarvan die opbrengs later aan CANSA toeval;
● SAGES en CANSA – ʼn Geruime tyd gelede, is besluit dat SAGES alle pogings om fondse in te samel vir ʼn waardige saak, moet konsolideer en koordineer. Bogenoemde inisiatief het waarskynlik SAGES beïnvloed om gholf geleenthede/SAGES wedtryde aan te wend om vondse in te samel en dat CANSA die begunstigde sal wees. Die feit dat SANLAM op ʼn tydstip besluit het om pryse vir sodanige geleenthede te skenk is bloot toevallig.

Dit moet beklemtoon word dat ten spyte van die oënskynlike ooreenkomste en verbindings, genoemde drie vennootskappe bestaan onafhanklik van mekaar en enige verwikkelinge binne een moet afsonderlik van die ander behandel word.

● SANLAM en SAGES – Ongelukkig het SANLAM onlangs besluit om hulle verbintenis met gholf as ʼn sport te beëindig en hulle borgskap strategie op ʼn meer verteenwoordigende aktiwiteit ,bv. Atletiek, te focus. Dit beteken dat die R90 000 wat ons in 2019 ontvang het die laaste is wat SAGES van SANLAM sal ontvang. Ons strategie is egter deurgaans om ʼn gesonde reserwe fonds te hou ingeval dit gebeur en daar is voldoende fondse met ons bedrywighede voort te gaan tot tyd en wyl ons ʼn ander borg(e) kan identifiseer.
● SANLAM en CANSA – Ofskoon SANLAM onttrek het uit gholf, het hulle nie noodwendig hulle ondersteuning van CANSA gestaak het nie. Dit is egter ʼn saak tussen hulle en raak nie vir SAGES nie.
● SAGES en CANSA – Daar is tegnies geen verandering in hierdie vennootskap nie en ons sal voortgaan om hierdie saak te ondersteun soos in die verlede. Die enigste verskil is die gebrek aan pryse van SANLAM. Baie takke het egter oor die jare kommer uitgesreek oor die waarde van die pryse en het hulle eie borge vir die geleenthede bekom. Hierbenewens, bestaan daar nie meer ʼn kontrak tussen SAGES en SANLAM nie en die beperkings daarin vervat geld nie meer nie. Dit skep meer geleenthede vir die kreatiewe ontwikkeling van ander bronne.

Die onmiddelike resultaat van voornoemde verwikkelinge is die onttrekking van alle verwysings na SANLAM op/in ons vlae, banniere, skrybehoeftes, ens. Ek het al dikwels genoem dat ons nie in isolasie bestaan nie en die besluit van ʼn korporasie, wat blyk deur eksterne faktore beïvloed kon wees, nou ʼn direkte impak op ons organisasie het. Ons moet dit egter as ʼn geleentheid beskou om ons eie benadering tot faktore soos befondsing, lidmaatskap, tak strukture en interaksie, ens. Ek het ook dikwels genoem dat gebruike en tradisies nie geïgnoreer kan word nie, geleenthed bestaan nou daaroor te besin en lede moet die vrymoedigheid hê om alle opsies te oorweeg ongeag hoe radikaal dit mag voorkom. Dit is belangrik om te besef dat die voortbestaan van SAGES onderworpe is aan die tydige erkenning van geleenthede en bedreingings in die senior gholf omgewing en die effektiewe ontwikkeling van aksies om die geleenthede te benut en die bedreigings te neutraliseer.

Dit is ook die tyd van die jaar om te besin oor gebeure van 2019, hetsy persoonlik of oor ʼn wyer spektrum en op die positief te fokus, om van die negatief te leer en om 2020 met nederigheid en entoesiasme te benader. Namens die NBK, wens ek elke lid en sy/haar geliefdes, familie en vriende ʼn baie geseënde Kersseisoen en alles wat mooi is vir 2020.

As jy gedink het 2019 was goed – wag tot sien wat het 2020 om aan te bied!!.


Sages groete,

Alec Dixon
Nasionale President
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For further SAGES information or queries please contact the National Secretary
Elfie Alston, Cell phone 082 775 0827, e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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