The Website of Sages Senior Golfers of South Africa

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President: Andre Blom, 082 902 0632
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Vice President: Tom Buckle, 082 888 4840
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Secretary: Elfie Alston, 082 775 0827
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Treasurer: Eddie Mantle, 082 465 4031
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We're currently updating our website to make it even better for you!

During this time, you may experience some minor glitches or errors.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your patience.

We will soon have a refreshed look and improved features.

Thank you for your understanding!"


President se Nuusbrief / President's Newsletter


December 2016

Dear Fellow SAGES

The festive season is upon us. It is time to swop the golf kit with your Ho-ho-ho outfit and start thinking kind thoughts about your family and friends.
Many blessings came our way in 2016, despite the best efforts of our politicians and the drought (on and off the rugby field) to enforce poverty and despair upon us all.


On behalf of your NMC team,

Merry Christmas

and please drive safely and come back to spread your usual happiness around the golf courses next year.
It has been a good year for SAGES, with many successful tournaments, and new friendships formed on the golf course.
At this stage the amount of money we have raised for CANSA is still unknown.
Some branches have once again performed outstandingly and we are hopeful that the final tally will be great.

One thing we have learnt from the successful branches is that a paradigm shift is necessary to change gear on fund-raising.
Successful branches have a CANSA golf day, not a golf day for our members to have some fun and donate loose change.

Invite friends and companies to join in the golf day by sponsoring holes, players, prizes for a good cause.

2017 will have its challenges, but we can tackle it with enthusiasm.

Best wishes to all our members.
May you each convince one friend to join Sages next year.

Peet Roets
SAGES National President
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SAGES Vriende

Die Kersseisoen is weer op ons.
Dis tyd om jou golfklere te verruil vir die rooi Kersvader-pakkie en begin mooi dinge dink oor jou geliefdes en selfs jou gholfmaats wat nie so lekker kan tel nie.
Ten spyte van de beste pogings van ons politici en die droogte (ook op die rugbyveld) om armoede en gemoedsbevuiling op ons af te dwing,
kan ons almal getuig vn vele seëninge.

Geseënde Kersfees 
van die nasionale bestuurskomitee.

Reis asseblief versigtig en kom veilig terug sodat jy in 2017 jou deel geluk en vreugde kan uitdeel onder jou vriende op die gholfbaan.

Ons het nog nie die finale opbrengs van ons KANSA gholfdae nie,
maar ek weet ‘n paar takke het weer verstom met hul vernuf om KANSA-dae te reël deur vriende en sake te mobiliseer om gate en pryse te borg.

Hul het ‘n paradigma-skuif ondergaan om te beweeg van ‘n SAGES-dag vir KANSA na ‘n KANSA-dag wat SAGES aanbied.
2017 sal sy uitdagings hê, maar ons pak dit met entoesiasme aan.
Beste wense vir die nuwe jaar en mag elkeen van julle nog iemand kry om by ons aan te sluit.

Kersgroete van my en my vrou aan jou en jou familie.


Peet Roets
SAGES Nasionale President
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Stuur jul insette asb direk aan This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We will gladly publish your newsletters (see the Newsletters link at the top of the page) .


For further SAGES information or queries please contact the National Secretary
Elfie Alston, Cell phone 082 775 0827, e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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