The Website of Sages Senior Golfers of South Africa

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President: Andre Blom, 082 902 0632
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Vice President: Tom Buckle, 082 888 4840
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Secretary: Elfie Alston, 082 775 0827
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Treasurer: Eddie Mantle, 082 465 4031
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President se Nuusbrief / President's Newsletter 

June / Junie 2016

Annual General Meeting

Thank you for entrusting me with the task of leading SAGES in the next year. Alec Dixon from Jacaranda joins the national management committee as Vice President, with Elfie Alston (National Secretary) and Trevor Woollett (National Treasurer). I am enthusiastic about what the team can do for SAGES.


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Considering the turmoil in our country and in the world (post BREXIT!), the NMC plans to look at the best way ahead to keep our SAGES organisation healthy and successful.

Our finances are in good shape. Levies will rise by R5 to R60 per member next year.

2016 Sanlam SAGES National Championships

The Randpark Golf Club was the venue for the Nationals this year, with Jimmy Gowans branch, under the able guidance of Tom Buckle, doing a stunning job of organising the event. The big things (draw, scoring, and functions) went very well, but the attention to small details really impressed. Well done David, Tom, Elca, Hilde and the other workers and a big thank you from the NMC and all the participants!

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Congratulations to the winners:

Trophy Format Winners Score
Branch Shield Combined Betterball pairs Vaal River B (Petra vd Merwe, Dion van Rooyen, Philip Bacchus, Terry Bacchus) 177 points
Jimmy Gowans Trophy Best BB pair Ron Morobe, Kevin McGowan (JG) 92 points
Chamber of Mines Trophy Best Gross Medal Score Poen Olivier (EFS) 153
  Best Nett Medal Score Boer Barnard (JG) 142
Flight of the Fish Eagle Trophy Highest IPS Score in B, C and D Divisions Aubrey Meyburgh (JG) 75 points
Jock Lello Trophy Highest IPS Veterans Division Mervyn Pinto (WP) 78 points
Eureka Gowans Trophy Highest IPS Ladies Division Lucille Abrahams (NAMIBIA) 66 points

The best newsletter, according to our 3 under-cover judges, came from North West, with Jimmy Gowans (Tom Buckle once again) running a close second.pres img 04

The scoring for the event was done by Score Capture who impressed with running leader boards and a massive outside screen with highlights. We will consider how, and if, we can use them in future.

Two things that detract from the success of the national tournament, and raised comments from participants, were slow play and suspect handicaps.

However much we would like to see every SAGE making it to the nationals, the fact is that the tournament cannot handle players who are unable to finish a round in under 5 hours. While the NMC will consider ways and means of handling these problems, it will be a great help to future organisers if branches were to refrain from selecting players with suspect handicaps or who are really going to hold up the field. How would you feel if we were to keep a central record of all scores played at SAGES tournaments throughout the country?

We could work towards a “SAGES handicap”?

And what about a maximum handicap, for Nationals, of 30 or even 27?


Once again our members can be very proud of the tremendous.pres img 04

R460 000 plus we raised for CANSA in 2015. Our main sponsor, Sanlam, also sponsors the prizes for our 29 CANSA days. We thank them and feel we have a very successful partnership with Sanlam and CANSA.

Maria Scholtz, CANSA (Head, Sustainability), gracing the Gala Dinner with her charm and enthusiasm, was very appreciative of our support over the last 10 years and handed certificates of appreciation to Bokkie Nell (now Past President) and to SAGES.





Sages Website

Our National Secretary has done a great job in revamping our website. It now provides comprehensive support for all your SAGES activities. Please take some time browsing through it


Sages Archive

The entire archive of key documents has been reorganised and placed in cloud storage. It is being updated dynamically. Access is obviously limited, for security reasons, and because some information is of a sensitive nature. Selected documents have been replicated on the SAGES website. Please keep in touch.

Yours in SAGES

Peet Roets
SAGES National President /Nasionale President.

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Stuur jul insette asb direk aan This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We will gladly publish your newsletters (see the Newsletters link at the top of the page) .

Algemene Jaarvergadering

Dankie dat julle my vertrou het met die leisels vir die volgende jaar. Alec Dixon van Jakaranda sluit by die nasionale bestuurskomitee aan as vise-president, saam met Elfie Alston (Nasionale Sekretaris) en Trevor Woollett (Nasionale Tesourier). Ek is entoesiasties oor wat die komitee kan doen vir SAGES.

Met al die woelinge in ons land en die res van die wereld (na BREXIT), is dit nodig om ‘n slag te kyk na die pad vorentoe om SAGES suksevol te hou...

Ons finansies is gesond, maar dit was nodig om die heffings per lid met R5 per jaar op te stoot vanweë inflasie.

2016 Sanlam SAGES Nasionale Toernooi

Jimmy Gowans-tak het die nasionale toernooi vanjaar by die Randpark Gholfklub aangebied. Met Tom Buckle vooraan het hul toernooi-komitee hul uitstekend van hul taak gekwyt. Die Groot goed (trekking, tellings, funksies) het goed verloop, maar die aandag aan die klein dingetjies was indrukwekend. Baie geluk aan Tom, David, Elca, Hilde en al die ander werkers en dankie van ons almal. Geluk aan al die wenners:

Tak Skild Gekombineerde Beterbal Pare Vaal River B (Petra vd Merwe, Dion van Rooyen, Philip Bacchus, Terry Bacchus) 177 punte
Jimmy Gowans Trofee Beste BB paar Ron Morobe, Kevin McGowan (JG) 92
Chamber of Mines Trofee Beste Bruto Houespel Telling Poen Olivier (EFS) 153
  Beste Netto Houespel Telling Boer Barnard (JG) 142
Flight of the Fish Eagle Trofee Beste IPS in B, C and D Afdelings Aubrey Meyburgh (JG) 75
Jock Lello Trofee Beste IPS Veterans Afdeling Mervyn Pinto (WP) 78
Eureka Gowans Trofee Beste IPS Dames Afdeling Lucille Abrahams (NAMIBIË) 66

Volgens die 3 beoordeelaars kom die beste nuusbrief van Noord-Wes, met Jimmy Gowans (Tom Buckle weereens) ‘n kort kop agter hulle.

Die tellings is verwerk deur Score Capture wat beïndruk het met skerms vir die voorlopers en ‘n massiewe skerm buite met hoogtepunte. Ons sal nog besin oor hoe, en of, ons hulle kan gebruik in die toekoms.

Twee dinge wat afbreuk kan doen aan so ‘n groot toernooi, is stadige spelers en spelers met verdagte voorgeë. Dié twee dinge kan ‘n toernooi regtig ondermyn. Dit het ook heelwat kommentaar van spelers aangetrek. Alhoewel ‘n mens graag die deure na doe toernooi wil oopmaak vir al ons lede, is dit ‘n feit dat ons nasionale toernooi nie suksevol kan verloop met spelers wat nie ‘n ronde in onder 5 uur kan klaarmaak nie. Terwyl die NBK sal dink daaroor, sal dit baie help as takke nie spelers kies wat definitief die veld gaan ophou nie, of wat ‘n verdagte voorgee het nie.

Hoe sal jy voel as ons elke SAGES telling deur die jaar sentraal hou? En dan werk in die rigting van ‘n SAGES voorgee?

En wat van ‘n maksimum voorgee by ons Nasionale Teornooi, miskien 30 of 27?


Ons lede Kan weer bors uitstoot oor die meer as R460 000 wat ons takke in 2015 aan KANSA geskenk het. Ons hoofborg, Sanlam, borg ook die pryse vir ons 29 takke se Kankerdae. Ons bedank hulle en voel in ons skik met die suksesvolle vennootskap met KANSA en Sanlam.

Maria Scholtz, KANSA (Hoof, Volhoubaarheid), wat ons dinee by die Nasionale Toernooi bekoor het met haar vriendelikheid en entoesiasme, was baie waarderend oor ons ondersteuning oor die laaste 10 jaar. Sy het sertifikate oorhandig aan Bokkie Nell (oudpresident) en aan SAGES.

Sages Webwerf

Ons Nasionale Sekretaris het uitstekend gevaar met die herontwerp van die webwerf. Dit bevat nou alles wat ‘n tak nodig het. Gaan grawe bietjie daarin.

SAGES Argief

SAGES se argief is herorganiseer en geberg in ‘n wolk. Dit word dinamies bygewerk. Toegang is vanselfsprekend beperk, vanweë sekuriteit, maar ook omdat die inligting soms sensitief van aard is. ‘n Deel van die argief se inhoud is op die SAGES webwerf geplaas..

Maak gerus kontak as jy iets op die hart het.

SAGES Groete

Peet Roets
SAGES Nasionale President
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For further SAGES information or queries please contact the National Secretary
Elfie Alston, Cell phone 082 775 0827, e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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